Biography of the Universe:
The First Pulse of Time
to the Present
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Author: David Lee Williamson
REVIEWS Ascension Astrology

Biography Of The Universe:
The First Pulse of Time to the Present

Author: David Williamson

Wisconsin Bookwatch
James A Cox, Editor-in-Chief
The Midwest Book Review

Biography of the Universe: The First Pulse of Time to the Present is not a repository of traditional hard science. Written by spiritualist David Williamson, Biography of the Universe is a unique narrative told in first person from the perspective of beings from alternate dimension, who chose to create a new reality to explore while simultaneously forgetting who they are, thus becoming transfixed in a state of amnesia within a singularity. Biography of the Universe brings the reader on a singularly epic journey, which offers parallels to the knowledge of earthbound minds in its rich repository of secrets to be discovered in the birth and growth of a universe. An influx of light, love, and higher consciousness permeate this captivating revelation.

Review of David Williamson's Biography Of The Universe: The First Pulse of Time to the Present
By Kevin Foresman

At holiday gatherings, birthdays, and bar mitzvahs, I'm always fascinated by who actually shows up. I'm happy to greet family friends from days gone by, distant cousins I barely remember, and long lost relatives who pop up out of nowhere after years of little or no contact. And the tall tales they tell as we rekindle the ancient art of storytelling with one another. They colorfully pass down events from the past, wondrous stories of our forgotten youth, and historical retellings of major ancestral events that impacted our lives, enabling all of the family members to remember the momentous occasions of how we traveled through time to leave from there and arrive together here, which emboldens us to relate this vital information to unknown future family who will soon be gathering together with us.

You'll be amazed and surprised by the ancient familiar beings who show up one evening at a gathering of David Lee Williamson's spiritual family as described in his new book Biography Of The Universe: The First Pulse of Time to the Present. Not only has he not heard from them for awhile, it has been closer to thousands, if not tens of thousands of years, since he was fully conscious of them and of their activities. But, they've been eagerly keeping an eye on him, always close to his side, waiting for this special moment to help him, and you and I, remember days of future past, such as the origin of our universe, complete with insights as to why we are the way we are today.

In Biography Of The Universe: The First Pulse of Time to the Present, Williamson shares this fascinating memory with us. For this is simply not just his own personal journey, but our journey, a trip through eons of time which we all can remember if we are able to awaken to our higher selves on the level of consciousness that Williamson has achieved. This is the story of our collective history as told to him by his celestial ancestors, or in other words, Humanity's true Father, Mother, and assorted energetic beings, that make up our cosmic family tree. Through his eyes, his experiences, and varied emotional states, Williamson gives us a personal remembering of how we came to be, or rather, he helps us to fill in the blanks long forgotten in this human experience. To paraphrase his discovery in the words of another great cosmic collective, The Grateful Dead, "what a long, strange trip it's been."

This book is simply remarkable as Williamson's words read like heroic stories of ancient deeds from a collection of mythological prose. As we journey with him through this experience, we travel from the first pulse of time, visiting marvelous areas of our galaxy, exploring ancient civilizations and heavenly manifestations, and get to know the motivations and reasoning behind the great spiritual beings who helped form our world and played major roles in designing our history as well as our present molecular DNA signature. This is a fun, yet thought provoking read. As we discover these great tales of the past, or as Williamson might counter, remember our amazing history we probably all have played a part in at some level, we are left with even more questions in need of follow up and additional research.

I highly recommend this book as a guide to all searching for deeper meaning in their lives, which only really comes from a long patient gaze within themselves. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Williamson, as through the publication of this essential document, we are so fortunate to be reunited with our universal family and friends by reading and absorbing the knowledge and wisdom imparted in Biography Of The Universe: The First Pulse of Time to the Present. As shared by Williamson here in the pages of this enlightening novel, we all posses the opportunity to awaken to the great remembering of who we are, why we are, and the endless possibilities of what we are to become. Like him, we too can learn to consciously create our reality as we accept our true past, using it as a powerful ally as we journey farther into the anxiously awaiting arms of future times. And besides, after this read, I can hardly wait to see who will show up at our next great spiritual family gathering.


My god, what an amazing book you've written.
I love the outer space vacation. Brings back memories.
The descriptions of the New Earth in the book are exciting!
Patricia Horan - Editor


Your book has washed over my consciousness like a warm sea and I am swimming in comfort and a knowing. The information in your book has changed my life. I have no doubt that the subtle messages in your words have connected to my DNA in ways I am unable to describe. And although my sentences may seem unclear its something I have to shout back at you.
Love Ziandra


Editorial Reviews
Book Description
David Williamson's past-life memoir, Biography of the Universe: The First Pulse of Time to the Present, is a thrilling description of our divine and mysterious beginnings. This amazing story is an exciting sign that the lifting of the veils we have been promised is beginning. We no longer need to experience fear as we learn where we came from, how we are related, and the plan behind where we all fit into this vast universe. "I wish nothing more," says the author, "than for Biography of the Universe to free your own memories, allowing you to experience the end of victim consciousness and separation as we begin reuniting with our great family again, co-creating our new Heaven and our new Earth." If you long to see beyond your little place in the world, take a journey into David Williamson's miraculous story of the Biography of the Universe.


Mindquest Review of Books
By Bernie P.Nelson

Subject: Is it possible, within our unconscious, we can bring to the surface memories of our ancient past? The author provides an eye-opening experience designed to reveal the ancient memories of the reader. Rev. Dr. Williamson, D.D., of Healing Grace Ministries, is an astrologer and has devoted his life to higher consciousness and healing modalities.

Noteworthy: The intelligent, artful blending of spirituality, metaphysics, and science will bestow hope and clarity about our remembrance, understanding, and movement to higher consciousness. An understandable insight into the evolution of consciousness from the first pulse to our current awakening.
Lightword Publishing


Relevant And Important

"In Biography of the Universe, you will transported back to a time that seems eerily familiar. What David Williamson has remembered and created takes us far past Star Wars and Star Trek to a time that was far more relevant and important. This novel will certainly make you sit up and take note and ask...I wonder if..."
Michael E. Connor
Connor & Company Consulting




Clearly revolutionary! A must read for those wanting to know about the ascension of our consciousness and what is currently happening to the universe within us and around us. Incredible changes are taking place. Energy is shifting. With amazing insight and remembrance of experiences journeying back some twelve thousand years and beyond, David shares and reveals to us what many are now awakening to...our ascension, our connection, our true divinity to all that is! It is time!

I am so blessed to know David, for he is indeed a loving, kind and sincere Spirit. The teachings and knowledge he continually shares is empowering. Thank you David!
a Spiritual Being unfolding...,
RenŽe Snider
Wellness Coach - Internal Focus


A wonderful Story of Truth

David has created a story that explains the ESSENCE of the UNIVERSE. It is a story of love's triumph! He is a unique storyteller with a consciousness of an Angel!
Dr. Elizabeth A. Fernandez


An Awakening In A Most Divine Way!

This book connected all of my past and present in a Divine loving and truth centered way. It is a must read, if you are searching for who you are.

I am thankful to have read this as it is the most amazing and Divine connection I have ever received from a book. It is so incredible that I have offered it to all of my family and friends.
Rev. Dianne Ivy


The Missing Link

Dr Williamson's book fills in the gap between the human and the Divine. Now I can make sense of my past. It beautifully describes why we are "at home" when enjoying the soothing comfort of Nature.

Now I remember..
Heidi-Jadwiga Grabowy


Price: $18.99
ISBN 978-0-979126321 LCCN 2007932032
Paperback: 324 pages
Publisher: Two Moons Publishing - An Imprint Of Wisdom House Books
15455 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600, Dallas TX 75001 Tel. 866-583-9969
1st Edition (January 7, 2008)
Language: English
Stock Under: Body Mind Spirit / Spirituality / General

Author: David Williamson


Author: David Williamson


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